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Writer's pictureBarrett Preston Busschau

16. May - July, 2023

Dear Friends and Family!

This blog’s picture is from Christmas 2022. I love my Mom.

Last term, for college, I took Sociology and Public Speaking and both went well. In Sociology I learned what “virtue signaling” means, and in Public Speaking I gave a speech about how to release trigger points in muscle. This term I’m self-studying programming concepts. I have an idea for an app… I might be the next Elon Musk.

Last Friday, at work, we held graduation for people who’ve earned their high school equivalency - the first one since COVID. It was fun. The speeches were short and sweet. Students wore tassels and gowns, tossed their hats into the air, and we ate cake - onward and upward. The oldest graduate was in his sixties.

Next month, I’m eating a meal with my brother - hosted by one of the clubs I’m in. We’re having BBQ and ice cream. I chose pulled pork and cheddar-bacon links (for all my South African braaiers out there - shout out! - links means lekker wors :-D).

I watched a lot of Wimbledon and the final was great. The other day people kept telling me South Africa’s been great in the Women’s Football World Cup (for all my American readers - Wassup! - they mean soccer).

I’ve started watching Downton Abbey on Saturday nights from 8 - 9. If you’ve seen the series you’re probably excited for me. If not, get going, its top-notch. Set in England in the early 1900s, they say things like, “Mamma,” with a really posh accent.

The weather’s been great. I go out everyday, especially when the sun is setting and everything’s lovely.

And now for the real stuff: some days seriously suck. But, overall, and maybe it’s just because I’m seriously middle-aged now, life seems less complicated these days. Age seems like a dirty word but, actually, it comes with this weird kind of shine. I’m gradually starting to fall apart but I feel better at things, so things seem more fun. #thankgoodness

Please send me some pictures immediately! It’s quick and easy: Whatsapp or email my mom. Do it right now. I just want to see your beautiful face again! Please man!

I love you,


Check out my next blog: August - November, 2023


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